This world is indeed a living being, endowed with a soul and intelligence... A single visible living entity, containing all other living entities, which by their nature, are all related. -Plato

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Favorite Brands

I have soo many favorite brands!


  1. Ooh, I see a few there that I really love too!

    Big fan of Badger Balm, Burts Bees (although I was sad about their lipstick saga) & Eco Tools are my faves!!

    Still need to try the others so looking forward to your reviews!

    Dana xx

  2. Woo, a lipstick saga...i will have to look into that, i haven't really been using Burt's Bees too long. I just got a new lip shimmer from them (in strawberry color) and really like it so far. Thanks for coming by. :)

  3. No worries! Loving your blog :) Well, there was lead reported to be in the glosses, so obviously that didn't go down to well for a natural brand! (Link below) However, the amounts were small and their lip balms /tins are supposed to be safe but I've never personally checked it out to confirm! xx

  4. Wow, and of course the Burts Bees i have is right on the list! :/ Glad i saw this before i wrote my review! Thanks for the link. :)


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